God Loves f3 Boone: A homestead backblast ~ 10/16/2021

…Thank you, but no thanks, Ollie.

AO: Homestead
Conditions: 50 degrees, threatened with rain, treated with sunshine, 10/10 Al Rokers
PAX: HIPAA, T.O.T.S., Fernando, Shake’N Bake, Yosef, Bob Ross (Huntersville), Double D (The Fort), Kodak (Q) = 8

It’s a tale as old as time: You just can’t trust the weatherman. With a wet forecast looming (76% chance of rain at one point), YHC put out the preblast challenge, telling High Country HIMs to FEAR NOT, FOR…
1) You might get a little wet. It won’t hurt you.
2) But you don’t even need to worry about that in the first place…because God Loves F3 Boone.

I rolled to the AO in a completely dry vehicle with 5 minutes before go-time. Wading my way through 6 other PAX (in a completely dry gravel lot, I might add), I planted the ShovelFlag firmly into modestly fertile, yet mostly dry grass and instructed everyone within earshot to marvel at the sunshine kissing the face of Howard’s Knob. Hard to believe this is 100% free. Wiping tears from our cheeks, we got down to business.

Disclaimer: Redundantly given to a group of veterans, but practice makes perfect.

F3 Mission Statement: Same as disclaimer.

Mosey to Little House on the Pinky for some…


Hamstring stretch series
Runners Stretch series
Concentration Jump Squats


Partner Up
P1 does the called exercise as P2 runs to the speed limit sign and back.
Each duo is responsible for the following:
300 Monkey Humpers
200 Merkins
100 Groiners

Mosey back to Home
Grab a Coupon from the back of YHC’s trusty steed.

As we grabbed our Coupons, we noticed a dark figure looming in the bushes. We looked at him. He looked at us. We circled each other and began to sniff one another. Then someone finally asked “Are you looking for F3?” The figure said “Trying to.”

And that’s how we met Bob Ross. Welcome aboard, brother! Glad I grabbed that extra Block.

All About the Benjamins (100 reps)

Do the called exercise at one end, 25 reps
25 Lunge Walk Steps (with your coupon) (Rifle Carry for modification)
Do the other exercise, 25 reps
25 Lunge Walk Steps (or Rifle Carry) back to start.

Circuit 1: Curls / Tricep Extension
Circuit 2: Offset Merkin L / Offset Merkin R
Circuit 3: Squats / Shoulder Presses

At this point, we started to run a little short on time, seeing as YHC and several other PAX were going to run the Spooky Duke 5K/10K afterward. Wanted to get the CoT and a little Coffeteria time with our off-the-mountain bros before we got after it.

But there’s always time for our girl…


Block Arcs (with feet together, pass your heels over your upright Block, tapping heels on either side)
American Hammers

Time Called


– Sprockets on Q for Wake’N Bake: 10-18, 5:30 AM
– Outhouse/Girl Next Door have the keys to the Moderate Workout: 10-18, 5:30 PM
– Shake’N Bake is your Q for Musket, 10-20, 5:30 AM
– 2nd F “Brews’N Bros” is at AMB this week at 7:00 PM
– 3rd F Joey’s Cafe will be at the Local Lion at 6am. NAFTA will continue the discussion of your favorite God quotes…bring one.
– This day marked Day 1 of the “Forty Days of Discipline”, created by the HIMs of F3 Gastonia. Join in…if you think you’ve got it in ya…

Prayer Requests:
– Remember Fernando’s daughter as she prepares to bring in yet another grandchild into the Fernando Fold
– Remember several of Double D’s F3 Brothers and their families battling sickness down in The Fort

Ball of Man


As always gents, it’s a pleasure to know ya, and an honor to occasionally lead.
Until next time…


“… for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.”

Matthew 5:45